
michel v mange des enfants.

par Michel Valdrighi, 3X ans, bonne à tout faire du web le jour, superhéros injustement méconnu la nuit.

2006 09 25

des homosexuels dans l’avion !

Shortly after takeoff, Varnier nodded off, leaning his head on Tsikhiseli. A stewardess came over to their row. “The purser wants you to stop that,” she said.

“I opened my eyes and was, like, ‘Stop what?’ ” Varnier recalled the other day.

“The touching and the kissing,” the stewardess said, before walking away.

Tsikhiseli and Varnier were taken aback. “He would rest his head on my shoulder or the other way around. We’d kiss—not kiss kiss, just mwah,” Tsikhiseli recalled, making a smacking sound.


The captain told Tsikhiseli that if they didn’t stop arguing with the crew he would indeed divert the plane.

À rajouter à la liste des interdits dans l’avion : embrasser son ami quand on est homosexuel (via).
Merci, American Airlines.

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