
michel v mange des enfants.

par Michel Valdrighi, 3X ans, bonne à tout faire du web le jour, superhéros injustement méconnu la nuit.

2008 09 14

Sarah Palin nue

Stop voting for people you want to have a beer with. Stop voting for folksy. Stop voting for people who remind you of your neighbor. Stop voting for the ideologically intransigent, the staggeringly ignorant, and the blazingly incompetent.

Vote for someone smarter than you. Vote for someone who inspires you. Vote for someone who has not only traveled the world but who has also shown a deep understanding and compassion for it. The stakes are real and they’re terrifyingly high. This election matters. It matters. It really matters. Let me say that one more time. This. Really. Matters.

Michael Seitzman, Sarah Palin naked

This is a woman chosen because of her attractiveness, both physically and ideologically, to a particular type of person. That person is not looking for depth. Not remotely. That person is looking for things that are just plain wrong. Not different, wrong. And one of those things is a padlock on your uterus. Now let’s talk about sexism.

Michael Seitzman, Sexist? Not So Fast

Sur un ton plus léger, un discours commun de Sarah Palin et Hillary Clinton sur le sexisme. Et wow, naked !

19:35 | 2 commentaires | tags :

2007 03 08

un réveillon d’hommes, un vrai

La journée de la Femme touche à sa fin… tous à vos bières, tous à vos rots et autres grattements de burnes ! Célébrons ce soir la nouvelle année de l’Homme !

21:27 | 0 commentaires | tags :

meule de foin

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À l’aréoport.

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