
michel v mange des enfants.

par Michel Valdrighi, 3X ans, bonne à tout faire du web le jour, superhéros injustement méconnu la nuit.


mais c’est un monde qu’on peut changer

But it’s a changeable world! When we consider how great our sorrows seem, and how small they are; how we think we shall die of grief, and how quickly we forget, I think we ought to be ashamed of ourselves and our fickle-heartedness. For, after all, what business has time to bring us consolation? I have not, perhaps, in the course of my multifarious adventures and experience, hit upon the right woman; and have forgotten, after a little, every single creature I adored; but I think, if I could but have lighted on the right one, I would have loved her for ever.

William Makepeace Thackeray, The Memoirs of Barry Lindon

2009/02/08 17:15 | 0 commentaires | tags :

meule de foin

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À l’aréoport.

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…et des poneys !

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